Premiere: J Hacha de Zola spaces out on the laid-back “No Situation”

On October 6, singer/songwriter J Hacha de Zola will release his third album, Antipatico. The album follows two Beefheart-inspired records of mutant blues rock, and this time around he’s joined by guest artists such as Tom Waits collaborator Ralph Carney, Morphine’s Dana Colley and The Klezmatics’ Frank London. Today, Treble is premiering the new single from the album, titled “No Situation.” It’s a bluesy and atmospheric track, with a spacious and laid-back sensibility, de Zola citing influences such as Lee Hazelwood and Leonard Cohen. The former in particular is a strong parallel, the horns and lightly psychedelic guitars echoing Hazelwood’s idiosyncratic ’60s and ’70s productions. J Hacha de Zola released a statement about the track…